May 10, 2017
Read out loud any web-page, directly from within that page
Enhance your Chrome with in-page speech capabilities. Listen to news, wiki articles & more, directly on their websites. Reads any website, without having to copy text or leave the website.
All your website reading needs in a simple, efficient and intuitive manner! The extension is super simple to use. The extension’s icon will be placed right on your Chrome’s toolbar, so it will always be available without exiting your working tab. In addition, you can simply select the text you want to be read, and click “Speak” right from the popup context menu upon the right-mouse-click.
Here’s a short video that demos it:
Main Features of the Extension
- Reading whole pages
- Read selected text (Select text on the page -> right mouse click menu -> read selection)
- Edit the text to be read
- Remembers text and caret position - so you can pause and later continue
- Marks the currently read sentence, so you can follow the reading
- Multilingual / accents
- Readability mode - clean page clutter
- Printer-friendly print button
- Full offline support
Readability (Clean Page) Mode
TTSReader-X uses novel algorithms to extract the main content of any webpage. As such, it can also transform your page to main-content-text only. Removes any clutter from the website, so you can focus on the article. In this mode, you can also customize font size and print a clean printer-friendly version of the site - without background and irrelevant content.
Uses of the TTSreader Extenstion
- While working, listen to interesting articles and books
- TTSReader allows for listening to written content while doing something else.
- Educational for Kids
- Aid for people with difficulties in reading
- Narrating & dubbing movies, presentations & more
- Ttsreader is particularly suited for content based websites, eg Wikipedia articles
- Extract text from clutter
- Print website content
We at value your privacy, and that’s why we do not store anything you type or any other data about you. For additional info & feedback, please contact us at, For TTSReader for PCs, iOS (on Safari), desktops, laptops, go to